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Of Mice and Men — John Steinbeck — Recommend with salt

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This is one of Steinbeck’s classics, I think partially because its about a 2-hour read, compared to east of Eden or grapes of wrath (~15),. It’s not all that hard to get through or even make a movie about.

There are several themes in this book worth exploring, as well as plenty of allusions that will keep you on your toes. Just as a teaser, the opening sean is of Lenny and George drinking water from a pond. Lenny slurps it from the water, George scoops with his hands, sound familiar? (Judges 7:6)

The first theme, that I found deeply compelling was heaven. Throughout the story Steinbeck describes a kind of heaven , the details vary, but it’s generally owning your own parcel of land and working it with loved ones. (compare to Candide conclusions). This vision does motivate them, but it also makes the present bearable, it’s an idea of hope, something to daydream about and distract from the loneliness and pain of the moment. I really enjoyed this theme in the book.

The other theme was distasteful and not entirely convincing, but still worth mulling over. Killing out of love. In case you aren’t familiar with the book yet, I won’t spoil it, but suffice it to say, it’s gut-wrenching stuff. The biggest problem is Lenny, his unrealistic strength leaves him in an unrealistic situation.

Bottom line, it’s worth a read, but do so with open eyes.